Hi and thank you for checking out my site!
I am Mom to three wonderful grown kids and grandma to five amazing grandkids! I am the founder of Soar On Eagles Wings; an Authorized Instructor and Certified Facilitator for Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children; as well as a facilitator for The Monique Burr Foundation.
I have over 20+ years as an Entrepreneur with experience in Start-Up Non-Profits and For-Profit Businesses; Networking and Marketing; My experience includes Creating, Developing, Training and Directing several Non-Profit Ministries including all aspects of recruiting, hiring, training, facilitating and fundraising. I was honored to be a part of developing a Will and Estate Planning Program and Grant Writing for the ministries of WorldVenture International, including all aspects of developing, creating and marketing. I have been a Mary Kay, Independent Beauty Consultant (former Director) for over 12 years.
My over 26+ years’ children’s advocacy and volunteer work include Children’s Ministry, Acting Children’s Minister and Sunday School Program Coordinator; Awana Commander, including developing, training and co-directed the mid-week program for over 130 children; MOPS Intl. Member, Mentor Mom, Moppets Teacher and Colorado Speaker; VBS Director; 20+ years volunteering for Public Schools including Chair of our Community Meals-in-Need Ministry, Pledge Committee Chair, Mother’s Prayer Group; Small Group Bible Study Leader; Funeral Ministry Chair; Deacon Lead, and other church affiliations. Volunteer for Judy’s House for Grieving Children, Certified by The Dougy Center, and I was the Director of a Support Group for Grieving Children at my church.
My heart has always been to teach children about Jesus, how much He loves them, and will always be there for them when others let us down!
I’ve encountered abused children in my work and volunteer career, and because of my experience, have always had a heart to give children hope, grace, forgiveness and unconditional love.
It’s been a few years, since I started sharing my story about child sex abuse, and have become a Certified Trainer and Authorized Facilitator through Darkness To Light, Stewards of Children. I’m a board member for South Platte Communities United, aka. Communities That Care, focusing on helping children stay away from drug and alcohol, and helping adults by educating them on how to be pro-active in helping their children become successful. At this time, we are focusing on the Sheridan and Englewood, Colorado Communities. I’m also a member of the National Survivor Force Organization and The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse.
My sexual abuse started when I was around 5 years old, until I was about 12, by multiple abusers, and I was raped at age 17. I’ve spent many years in different kinds of therapy, support groups and counseling, and I know after years of healing my own inner child, I find my own healing deepen when I am able to use my past experiences to help others.
When I was 6, my grandmother found a church that would pick up my aunt and I and take us to Sunday School. My parents thought it was a great way to sleep in, I believe God knew how desperately I needed him and Jesus’ love as a foundation. I believe this is what helped me to be able to heal…as confusing as it was. Shortly after starting Sunday School, I got very sick. It took weeks to figure out what was wrong with me, and when they finally figured it out, my appendix had ruptured. I was a sick little girl for about 6 months…in and out of the hospital and two operations. Even during that scary time…I knew Jesus was with me!
At around 14, we moved to Washington St. to open a restaurant with our family. There, I meet my first real boyfriend. All I wanted was to escape! We moved several times together and ended up back in Colorado, where I got pregnant with my daughter at 18. I knew that my life needed to change. At 19, I became a single mom. I met my husband while I was pregnant…that’s another story! However, I do believe God sent Andy to me to learn what loving unconditionally really is. The love and blessings my marriage and children have given me are a gift from God! I’ve spent years not understanding that there really is unconditional love…and I am worthy!
I know it’s different for everyone…but my true healing and forgiveness has come from my Faith! I’ve felt for years that God would use me to be an advocate for child sexual abuse prevention, but it is just recently that I’ve started talking openly about my abuse. I encourage anyone silently suffering, to find your healing journey…don’t give up!
I believe this is the next step in my healing journey, and I’m ready and open to what comes next! That is why I have started Soar On Eagles Wings!
~Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and and not be faint.
Our goal, at D2L, is to educate adults and children about child sexual abuse prevention by providing a 2 hour certification training in the Colorado Region. Please visit Soar On Eagles Wings on Facebook and LIKE our page to receive daily, helpful posts on how to keep children safe. Our prayer is to reach our community, as well as, online support worldwide. With Erin’s Law being passed nationwide, NOW is the perfect time to educate the public and start the process of empowering our children so we can have future generations without child sexual abuse!

• Board Member and Key Community Leader
South Platte Communities United, is an initiative started by Tri-County Health Dept. and Sheridan Health Services, Colorado SPCU is a community driven process that helps communities become best informed and pro-active in helping children stay away from drug and alcohol.
• Certified Instructor and Authorized Facilitator for Darkness To Light, Stewards of Children, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
In partnership, our goal is to provide adults with training in how to:
Step 1: Learn the Facts
Step 2: Minimize Opportunity
Step 3: Talk About It
Step 4: Recognize the Signs
Step 5: React Responsibly
• Member of the Child Sexual Abuse prevention group Survivor Force
Survivor Force is a group of survivors who are currently and will continue to provide information about CSA, to educate large populations, reduce stigma, increase awareness, understanding, prevention, treatment and mitigation.
• Trained at The Dougy Center
• Facilitator at Judy’s House
The Dougy Center, in Oregon and Judy’s House, in CO., provides a safe place for children, teens, young adults and their families who are grieving a death to share their experiences. We do this through peer support groups, education, and training. In addition, I provided a support group for grieving children in my Church, along side GriefShare Intl..
• National Speaker, Moppets Teacher, former Member and Mentor Mom
MOPs was created to help build circles of women who love each other like family! Gathering together on a regular basis to encourage, become educated and to be refilled. I am honored to be a speaker. I am available for Zoom calls as well.